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Redemption Defined by Biblical Women: An Art Exhibit and Workshop

June 25, 2024 2:20 PM
(EZ Newswire)
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Source: The Wright Scoop (EZ Newswire)
Source: The Wright Scoop (EZ Newswire)
Source: The Wright Scoop (EZ Newswire)
Source: The Wright Scoop (EZ Newswire)
Artist, author, and lecturer Sylvia Hoehns Wright shares her life story and the stories of other women, inviting all to stand on a platform of redemption. Why? In a world often characterized by chaos, lifestyles similar to the biblical character Delilah, Wright’s event identifies a pathway to spiritual renewal and growth.

Why host this event?

Wright’s project, grounded in Christianity, also holds relevance for all Abrahamic religions—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—as well as other cultural and religious traditions. Drawing from the Women of Faith Study Bible and the Christian-based GriefShare program, her art and booklet demonstrate that true redemption is achieved through spiritual support and sowing seeds of life renewal: faith, confidence, courage, memories, love and hope.

Her art exhibit celebrates biblical women whose strength and honor are exemplified in Proverbs 31:25: “Strength and honor are her clothing; she is confident about the future.”

To schedule an event, contact syhwright@gmail.com or 804-347-9464.

About The Wright Scoop – Sylvia Hoehns Wright

As a child of the ‘tell-instead-of-read-me-a story’ era, Wright urges all to identify, record, and ensure the legacies of their heritage, both community and spiritual. To purchase copies of her books, visit www.lulu.com/spotlight/syhwright. For more information about an exhibit and/or workshop, contact  sylvia@thewrightscoop.com. For details of her other activities, visit www.thewrightscoop.com.

Media Contact

Sylvia Wright
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