October 11, 2023

EZ Newswire Inks Industry’s First Substack Distribution Deal with Big Technology

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We’re excited to share that EZ Newswire will now be the exclusive press release partner of Big Technology, the leading online publication about big tech and society with over 142,000 subscribers and read daily by thousands of Silicon Valley decision makers.

Founded in 2020 by Alex Kantrowitz, bestselling author and one of the world’s most prolific and influential tech reporters, Big Technology is the leading independent media company covering the tech business and its impact on society. Recently, its podcast charted as the No. 1 tech news show in the U.S. on Apple Podcasts, ahead of The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and The Economist.

This collaboration is a proof point in our mission to modernize the newswire, marking the industry’s first exclusive Substack distribution deal. Available only on EZ Newswire, businesses will now be able to publish their news and announcements on Big Technology and tap into its prestigious and growing audience.